Business registration

Business Registration


The Glasgow Guarantee is a highly regarded employment programme with a track record of supporting Glasgow residents into work and supporting local businesses to recruit

If you meet the following criteria – you can register with Glasgow Guarantee to advertise your role and find your next team member. Your business must:

  • be operating within the Glasgow City Council boundary
  • employ fewer than 500 employees
  • be a private company, social enterprise or third sector organisation
  • hold current public and employers’ liability insurance
  • be able to provide payslips, and where requested, payroll run and business bank statements
  • agree to only recruit from our pool of candidates
  • adhere to Fair Work First commitments which includes payment of the Real Living Wage (including apprentices) and providing appropriate channels of effective workers’ voice
  • not have any outstanding debt to Glasgow City Council - approval is dependent on your Non-Domestic rate account being up to date
  • our Employer Recruitment Incentive is not intended to assist you to afford to recruit a candidate, therefore you must be able to demonstrate your organisation is financially stable and can offer a sustainable job opportunity.


Glasgow Guarantee supports the Scottish Government’s flagship policy for driving high quality and fair work, and workforce diversity across the labour market in Scotland. All employers benefitting from our Employer Recruitment Incentive must agree to:

  • Payment of at least the Real Living Wage, including apprentices
  • Provide appropriate channels for effective workers’ voice, such as trade union recognition.

In addition, we encourage all our employers to actively work towards all conditions of Fair Work First and make positive steps to embed the below across their workforce:

Investment in workforce development

  • No inappropriate use of zero-hour contracts
  • Action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace
  • Offer flexible and family friendly working practices for all workers from day one of employment
  • Oppose the use of fire and rehire practices.

More information on Fair Work First can be found in our Guides section or click here.


18 month minimum contract icon
All candidates are employed for a minimum of 2 years with the same terms and conditions as your other permanent employees
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All jobs offered through the scheme require businesses to pay candidates the Real Living Wage.
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You can access an Employer Recruitment Incentive, up to a maximum of £8,000, depending on the number of contracted hours.
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All candidates recruited can benefit from a support and training allowance to help progression in their role with you.
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We support both full time and part-time posts. Our part-time vacancies will be specific for parents or people with disabilities/health conditions to apply.


Who are the Glasgow Guarantee pool of candidates and what can they bring to my workforce?
Candidates who register with our Glasgow Guarantee are all local citizens who are actively seeking employment – either through a paid role or through a Modern Apprenticeship. They are fully supported to get them ready to register with us and have met strict eligibility criteria and are ready and eager to find their new role. Candidates come from all walks and ages of life – including the long term unemployed, individuals who are underemployed (working in a part-time or zero hour contract job) and school/college leavers. Coming from a variety of diverse backgrounds, they can bring many skills to your organisation.

As a business it is highly rewarding to support someone on their role back into the workplace and watch them grow and develop additional skills whilst your own business prospers.
Why can I only apply for an employer recruitment incentive when I agree to recruit from the pool of Glasgow Guarantee candidates and not if I find my own candidate?
We recognise that some candidates may require additional support to obtain their first job or take slightly more time than others to become a full team player. Our employer recruitment incentive aims to encourage and support you to provide fair work employment by employing our candidates who have been working towards their employment goals.
How can the Glasgow Guarantee scheme support me with recruiting my employee?
We can offer you many benefits when you signup to recruit. Among them includes: an employer recruitment incentive to recruit individuals from our candidate pool, free advertising on our dedicated recruitment portal and a business support officer to guide you on how to get the best from our employer focussed website.
What is fair work and what does it mean to me as an employer?
Fair work is work that offers all individuals an effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment and respect. It balances the rights and responsibilities of employers and workers. It generates benefits for individuals, organisations and society. Further information on fair work can be found here.